Principle of Selling 6: Do Not Present Yourself as The Beneficiary of the Sale.
In other words, don’t beg, sell. I have had several encounters with salespeople who have appealed to me to buy, “so that I don’t lose my job”. Some others want you to buy so they can meet their targets. A few actually want you to buy because, “my life depends on this sale”.
Really? A key principle is selling is that the buyer is the principal factor and primary beneficiary of a sale. The prospect or customer is not doing you a favour by buying your products or services; you are adding value to their life and, or business.
Your major selling point must remain the benefits accruable to the buyer. My default retort when a prospect does not buy my books or training services is, “They don’t know what they are losing.”
What I have for them is empathy, not anger. With that mindset, I knock on the next door without being disappointed, nor feeling diminished.