Stop Badmouthing Your Company
Stop Badmouthing Your Company
I was in a friend’s office a few days ago, when a relationship manager from a bank walked in to introduce a product to my friend. After pitching the features and benefits of the product to my friend, a contentious issue about the terms of the transaction came up. Surprisingly, without much effort to persuade or convince my friend, this banker just retorted, “I agree you with you, Sir. As a matter of fact, we have complained bitterly to management on the need to change the policy”.
I found this rather very pathetic. As a salesperson, you must avoid falling into the trap of criticising your company’s policies when interacting with prospects and customers. Such behaviour undermines your credibility and negatively impacts your sales results. Instead, focus on understanding the rationale behind these policies and align yourself with the company’s objectives and strategies. Having genuine buy-in for your company, its products, services, and policies is crucial for excelling in your sales role.
By understanding the “Why” behind these decision variables, you can effectively communicate and advocate for your company’s offers with conviction and authenticity. It is important to recognise that owners or leaders of a company do not intentionally create policies or pursue strategies that would sabotage the company’s success or make it difficult for salespeople to sell their products and services.
As a salesperson, continuously challenge yourself to understand how your company’s policies align with its objectives. and how they serve customers. Ask yourself, “how would the owner or leader of this company defend this policy before a prospect or customer?” If you have any doubts, seek clarification from those who have a comprehensive understanding of the company’s strategies and policies.
What do you think? Is it right to join a prospect or customer to complain about your company policies?